Finding and Returning Resources to Inspire Health, Happiness, and Prosperity
This website is currently about VickyJune's creative songs and landscape paintings 

Content Focusing at this time on Ballads and other Songs written by me, VickyJune Huerth.
I enjoy to bring Happiness and Inspiration to those who enjoy listening to my music, through songs I have written in the folk, country, country western, easy listening, and gospel genre styles.

NOTE: Please see my About Page about my interests in painting landscapes and other artwork. I majored in fine art and with a minor in Advertising Design and am a graduate from Mankate State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree.

Vicky has original Songs on Jango

Vicky started uploading professional recordings of some of her original songs to Jango, and six of her  songs were recorded professionally by Stephanie Sieggen and Max Berry. Some links to Vicky's set of Songs on Jango are shown below. Jango mixes new artists songs with well known songs by famous artists to make it interesting for Jango listeners by bringing them new songs by new artists, so after you link to Vicky's song(s) you may hear songs by famous artists.VickyJune also has one song also on SoundCloud, as linked below.

 Some of VickyJune's songs are currently offered on Amazon and ITunes, and her cassettes are on sale on eBay (one with the two ballads about the Tetons, and one with the two ballads about the North Woods). Vicky June Huerth, "VickyJune," has also recently uploaded some recordings of her songs with her own voice and guitar, and plans to upload more in the near future.Also, the Stephanie Sieggen songs are on Youtube, plus a video song recording of Vicky singing her song "Take the Time to Love Me (A song for all Doggies) is on Youtube currently. 

Links to the above Songs written by VickyJune on Jango are as follows:

Original Recordings of my Original Songs
* Professionally Recorded by Jellee Works Productions
**Professionally Recorded by Sieggen Productions
***Recorded by me with my own voice and musical instrument (guitar) *Vocals: Max  Berry **Vocals: Stephanie Sieggen ***Vocals: VickyJune  ***Vocals: VickyJune **Vocals: Stephanie Sieggen **Vocals: Professional Gospel Singer  *Vocals: Max Berry ***Vocals: VickyJun

Be Sure to Bookmark this Resource Returns website, as the links above will take you away to listen to the songs on Jango. And there are much more Resources to Return to on this website, lyrics of some of VickyJune's songs, below, plus information where you can find cassettes of songs written by Vicky June Huerth, professionally arranged and produced by Stephanie Sieggen of Sieggen Productions, and Jimmy Lee of Jellee Works Productions.

VickyJune will be updating this website with more lyrics, and links, to her songs soon as she can.

from VickyJune's Song Book -- 

Where You Can Get Away from It All, on the other Side 
(About the Menor's Ferry Boat Ride in the Grand Teton National Park)
See Button Link above to link to the recorded song on 

Oh take the Bill Menor's ferry ride on a journey back in time,
On the wild Snake River when it only cost a dime.
At his wide washed cabin, Bill nailed a horseshoe over the door.
His ferry boatin' brought him business for a tradin' store.

Next to his food storage shed, he hung a cable across the river wide.
Hitched on the boat, the current pushed it to the other side.
Bill ferried settlers, trappers, and wagons with a hoss'.
Bill Menor liked to be the captain boss.

So jump on board Menor's ferry boat.
Cross the wild Snake River for a fast water float,
And sing a Yoo-Hoo Teton mountain song.
The sculpted mountain peaks will be closer, if you get on this ride,
Where you can get away from it all on the other side.

Bill made fur caps, fur coats and boots, and warm flannel winter wear.
Cowboys brought the sturdy stirrups made for riding from ornery bear.
Bill got one shiny silver dollar when a stagecoach took the ride,
A fancy carriage full of women sometimes borrowed Bill as a guide.

Bill worked his ferry boatin' business 'till he got gray and old,
He loved the river but the winter blizzards were too windy and cold.
Sold his ferry boat place to a lady who stopped at the store one day.
Maude Noble traded dollars more than Bill thought a woman could pay.

So jump on board the ferry boat,
Cross the wild Snake River for a fast water float,
And sing a Yoo-Hoo Teton mountain song.
Hello to Lady Noble, the tourists are coming by.
Maude here's your two silver dollars for the ride.

Well Maude Noble was real busy and she built a big log home.
She kept the ferry boat a floatin' over the river foam.
Beyond bubblin' waters of the river Snake is the Grand Teton wilderness,
With glacial lakes and alpine trails that you'll never want to miss.

Then one rainy springtime morning out her window Maude took a wide eyed look.
There was a new steel trussed bridge across the river wild.
Was might' close to Maude's cabin and her pretty pocketbook --
And just over a stone's throw away from her enterprise.
...They made sure of that.

So goodbye old Bill Menor the wild Snake River is a bubbling by.
And Maude no more silver dollars for the ride.
Now you can cross over the bridge dry of water,
But don't miss the replica boat ride.
Where can get away from it all on the other side.

So jump on board Menor's ferry boat,
Cross the wild snake river for a fast water float,
And sing a Yoo-Hoo Tetons Mountain song.
The sculpted mountain peaks will be closer, if you'll get on this ride,
Where you can get away from it all -- on the other side. 

Please Note:

The Ballad of the Tetons and Where You Can Get Away from it All songs are now offered on eBay in the media of Cassette Tapes. To find them on eBay, search for Ballad of the Tetons. The songs are professionally recorded by vocalists Max Berry and Stephanie Sieggen. These are the same recordings that are currently on Jango with Radio Airplay.

Also two other songs that Vicky Huerth wrote, Going On Up To The North Woods, and Christmas in Canada is in June, are also offered on eBay on Cassette Tapes. To find them on eBay, search for Going On Up To The North Woods. The songs are professionally recorded by vocalist Stephanie Sieggen. These are the same recordings that are currently on Jango with Radio Airplay.

Be sure to view VickyJune's new song, "Take the Time to Love Me -- a song for All Doggies" on YouTube, at the following link: This is VickyJune's first original video posted on YouTube, starting this November. VickyJune has many more songs to share and hopes to get another one ready and videotaped for her YouTube channel soon.

Ballad of the Tetons
(About the beauty of the Grand Teton Mountains, a trappers tale, and a treasure.)
Soon to be on

Riding o'er the mountain Jackson saw the Tetons.
It was a new adventure a new world he had found.
Three jagged peaks oe'r the valley with many by the side,
Rising up from nowhere, gripping clouds as they float by.

Along the Gros Ventre River,
Moose and beaver gathered where
There's hawks above the waters,
And in the mountains they saw bear!

They found glacial lakes aplenty,
Shining green and aqua blue,
Naming one for Leigh, explorer,
And a lake for Jenny, too.

Trappers found the waters
Further towards the northern gate.
The Tetons rose from a mirror
And they named it Jackson Lake.

Yet natives had known this valley,
For ages they'd come and go.
They lived here just in summer,
When the blizzards did not blow.

And so came many trappers,
To trade at Jackson Hole.
They happen to meet the natives
Who they really did not know.

Think it was on signal mountain,
Where the trappers looked below,
And saw an old Indian Nation -
Death or life, yes or no?

Then came lights a-flashing,
Colors bright lit the night sky.
So cold the trees were cracking,
The winds held out their cry.

The Great Spirit was a-speaking
To everyone that day -
Natives turned away in wonder,
And the trappers must have prayed.

The Tetons saw it happen,
But to them it's all the same.
In beauty and in freedom,
The mountains still remain.

They're silent of the hist'ry
They watched through all eons.
Hear the cry of the black hawk,
Breezes whisper of new dawn.

The Tetons are reflected
On rippling waves of Jenny Lake.
Keeping all their secrets,
Men can look, but do not take.

The reward of the adventure,
Is of these peaks you see.
Today these lands are set aside
For nature, and you and me.

The Hoo Doo Song of Calgary Town


Many an age has come and gone,

But every four years we come to sing a song,

To carry the torch from far away,

To light a fire to shine today.


Many came to gather for more than a fortnight,

To see if they could catch some elusive golden light.

People were together with mountains all around,

It was winter and the snow was siftin' down.


Many were the hours and many gave a price.

Gliding over mountain slopes and across sheets of ice.

The winds did blow and the earth went 'round.

The sun came up, and some friends were fallin' down.


Finally the dawn came on the last day.

'Twas a celebration and many did say,

The times came when the gifts were given,

and you could see some free souls a livin.'


The world watched the winners as they did shine.

Others found that within themselves, their hearts could be divine.

They joined hands round the fire bright.

In peace and brotherhood, they found the true light.


Hoo Doo, Hoo Doo, said the mountain wind, Hoo Doo

Hoo Doo, said the wind through Calgary Town.


The wind blows down the mountain slopes.

People have gone home to their nations with much hope.

The wind knows where the stream from Mount Olympus flows.

The sun comes up and the shadows go.


Hoo Doo, Hoo Doo, said the mountain wind, Hoo Doo

Hoo Doo, said the wind through Calgary Town.



Note: This song was written about the 1988 Winter Olympics that took place in Calgary, Canada.

(Also, "HooDoos" are rock formations carved by the wind, which I saw in the mountains of Alberta when on a trip to Canada and Banff.

How Long Must We Wait 
(About honoring all people that we share the planet with)

How long must we wait
For that glorious Dawn to break
When the sunlight
Will save men from their plight?

When will all men see
That they must let others be free?
And when will they know
That there must not be sorrow?

How many centuries must go by,
Before all men will begin to try,
To see all men as brothers,
And remember the Love of their mothers?

When will come the day
When all will see the way,
To the world of peace
That never shall cease.

When will all men find
That it feels so good to be kind,
To treat their fellow beings
As more than just things?

How long must we wait,
For that glorious dawn to break?
It's time now, it's time now,
And if you hear, let that tomorrow be near.

Flower of the Night
(A Tribute to Florence Nightingale and the wonderful healers)

Flower of the night,
You came in great light.
Out of the dark space,
I saw your calm face.

The night had appeared,
The darkness I feared.
The moon was a glowing
With the wind a blowing.

The world was again,
A sphere of dark pain,
Lost in a sea cave,
with black torrid waves.

But then you came in sight,
You flower of the night.
You took away pain,
And the tears of rain.

Oh, are you indeed,
One of reality,
Or just a night's dream,
Or a bright moon beam?

Whatever you are,
Be here forever.
I simply believe
In your great love.

Flower of the night,
You came in great light,
Out of the dark space,
I saw your calm face.

Song of Life
(To Widen the Scope of Consciousness and Awareness)'

Were we the fishes of the sea?
Were we the canopy of trees?
As empty shells settled down to sand,
The gift of Life went on to the land.

Reaching for something bright,
It reached out for the light.
It wanted to see
Itself and liberty.

We are like starfish in the sea.
We are like the leaves in the breeze.
Someday we all may see,
That I am like you, and you are like me.

So reach out for the light,
Reach out for what's right,
Then we just might free
The creativity.

We want what's good and true in life,
So let's keep on reaching for what's right.
Waters dark, we must leave behind
For only then we will find,

There's colors in the light
And freedom in our flight,
So let's try to see 
Ourselves and Liberty.